With a focus on blending art and technology, the Animation Lab at Farleigh Dickinson University, located in Florham Park and Madison, New Jersey, is home to innovative and artistic animation students. So, when the time came to renovate the lab, campus leaders and project architects agreed that designing a multifunctional, open space to inspire creativity and foster collaboration was top priority. A defining feature of the team’s design was a smooth, uninterrupted glass wall system that combines two existing rooms formerly separated by a cinderblock wall. To bring their vision to life while simultaneously bringing the new Animation Lab up to current code, architects turned to Technical Glass Products’ Fireframes ClearView® System. With nearly colorless transitions between adjoining pieces of low-iron Pilkington Pyrostop® fire-resistive-rated glass, the product eliminates the need for colored internal glass unit spacers or vertical frame mullions. The entire code-compliant fire-rated butt-glazed system looks like one continuous glass wall to promote clear lines of sight and make the Animation Lab feel more open.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Animation Lab
Florham Park and Madison, NJ
NK Architects